What is JoinFaces?

This project enables JSF usage inside Spring Boot Application.

It autoconfigures PrimeFaces, PrimeFaces Extensions, AdminFaces, BootsFaces, ButterFaces, IceFaces, RichFaces, AngularFaces, OmniFaces, Mojarra and MyFaces libraries to run at embedded Tomcat, Jetty or Undertow servlet containers. It autoconfigures Weld and Rewrite too.

It also aims to solve JSF and Spring Boot integration features. Current version includes JSF and CDI annotations support and Spring Security JSF Facelet Tag support.

How to use

JoinFaces Example shows JoinFaces Starter usage. It may help you to choose the JoinFaces Starter that fits your needs.

You can find more examples here.

Key Features

Many JoinFaces Starters available

There are many JSF Spring Boot Starters available.

See detailed starters here.

JSF properties configuration via application.properties or application.yml

Library Namespace Example
standard (javax.faces) jsf jsf.PROJECT_STAGE: Development
primefaces jsf.primefaces jsf.primefaces.theme: overcast
bootsfaces jsf.bootsfaces jsf.bootsfaces.USETHEME: true
butterfaces jsf.butterfaces jsf.butterfaces.provideJQuery: true
adminfaces jsf.adminfaces jsf.adminfaces.skin: skin-blue
icefaces jsf.icefaces jsf.icefaces.compressDOM: true
richfaces jsf.richfaces jsf.richfaces.resourceDefaultTTL: 68400
angularfaces jsf.angularfaces jsf.angularfaces.addLabels: true
omnifaces jsf.omnifaces jsf.omnifaces.FACES_VIEWS_ENABLED: true
mojarra jsf.mojarra jsf.mojarra.preferXHTML: true
myfaces jsf.myfaces jsf.myfaces.PRETTY_HTML: true
jetty jsf.jetty jsf.jetty.classPathResource: META-INF/resources
undertow jsf.undertow jsf.undertow.classPathResource: META-INF/resources

Look full application.yml example.

Additional information in #22

JSF and CDI annotations support automatically


Spring Security JSF Facelet Tag support

Namespace: http://www.springframework.org/security/tags

Tag Description
authorize perform Spring Security authorization decisions, using attributes: ifAnyGranted, ifAllGranted, ifNotGranted, access, url, method, var.
anonymous verify if the user is anonymous.
authenticated verify if the user is not anonymous.
fullyAuthenticated verify if the is not an anonymous or a remember-me user.
Function Description
areAllGranted returns true if the user has all of of the given authorities.
areAnyGranted returns true if the user has any of the given authorities.
areNotGranted returns true if the user does not have any of the given authorities.
isAllowed returns true if the user is allowed to access the given URL and HTTP method combination.
isAnonymous returns true if user is anonymous.
isAuthenticated returns true if the user is not anonymous.
isFullyAuthenticated returns true if the is not an anonymous or a remember-me user.

Additional information in #29

System Requirements

By default, JSF Spring Boot Starter requires Java 8 and Spring Boot 2.x and JSF 2.x.

Getting Help



This software is multi module Maven project and follows Spring Boot Reference to create JSF Auto Configuration. See what's inside each submodule.